Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Don't be a fool when it comes to the Conficker Worm
April Fools day seems to be a perennial target for virus scares. The latest has to do with the Conficker worm. SC Magazine reports that security researchers have warned that the Conficker worm's newest variant will activate on April 1st, 2009. Conficker has been the most successful worm in a number of years. The worm when it activates will prevent certain security products and services from running and will block infected computers from connecting to certain security websites. Microsoft formed a coalition last month to fight the Conficker worm. The best defense is to inusre that your antivirus product is up to date. We recommend using the Trend Micro Vulnerability Scanner to test your network for unprotected computers. If it has been a while since we have reviewed your security, I encourage you to schedule a review of your entire network.
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