Friday, May 29, 2009
Safer Internet Solution You Shouldn't Be Without
bitMASTERS Corporation has partnered with OpenDNS to provide our valued clients with a free added service to secure your network's internet security through content filtering and anti-phishing. OpenDNS is the leading provider of free security and infrastructure services that make the Internet safer. Part of this is by providing user control over web content (what can be surfed) for your home or business network. Other solutions for web content control have been cumbersome or costly to implement. OpenDNS works by simply configuring DNS entries to the OpenDNS servers. DNS is what directs web requests by name to the actual address of the request. i.e. to We at bitMASTERS can make this change for you and manage your security levels. After initial configuration of DNS, by default, phishing sites (those that try to trick you in to providing sensitive information) are automatically blocked. You can then request any or all of over 50 categories of sites to be blocked such as pornography, gambling, chat, games, radio, and webmail to name a few (we'll go over the full list when configuring). You can also specify individual sites to be blocked or unblocked even if they fall within a category that is blocked. An easy to understand page is displayed when a blocked site is attempted with a link to request the site be unblocked in case it is blocked in error. This service really is a no brainer for every home and business network. Call us to get protected today. Set up is very fast and easy. There are no monthly fees however labor fees for setup and maintenance would apply. You can be sure you are protected by OpenDNS by looking at the icon in the left column of this page under OpenDNS Check. If if says "You're using OpenDNS!" then you are covered otherwise we need to get you protected. You can learn more about OpenDNS by clicking on the same icon at left.
Welcome to bitMASTERS Corporation
Our online presence is now in blogging style. We hope this format is easier and more informative in providing information to issues and technology relevant to your business. We'd love to hear comments and suggestions on your impressions or things you'd like to see or how we can best serve the small business community and specifically your needs. Please use the Contact Us form below to send us your feedback.