Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Can you work from anywhere?

Never before has the ability for small businesses to work remotely been more important. Between flu epidemics, the qwest to cut costs in a difficult economic situation and even natural disasters have made it more important than ever to be able to work remotely.

Many businesses are developing contingency plans and continuity of operations plans to keep their businesses and operations going if and when critical employees are out. It's always a struggle to enable continued productivity without a full workforce or if a key employee is unable to be physically at the office.

Is your business prepared? If you aren't familiar with or utilitizing technologies such as remote access or smart phones to stay connected whether you are sick, travelling or prevented from reaching the office due to other issues then let us help you get prepared.

Small Business Server is a platform which offers Remote Web Workplace, Exchange Server and Sharepoint. We are small business experts and we know how to get you connected remotely. Through Remote Web Workplace you can connect to any workstation on your network. With Exchange Server you have Outlook Web Access from a remote computer or your smart phone. Sharepoint allows you to share documents via the web. If you aren't using Small Business Server then there are other ways we can connect you. Don't wait until you have to be remotely connected, it may be sooner than you think!

Are you prepared?

Welcome to bitMASTERS Corporation

Our online presence is now in blogging style. We hope this format is easier and more informative in providing information to issues and technology relevant to your business. We'd love to hear comments and suggestions on your impressions or things you'd like to see or how we can best serve the small business community and specifically your needs. Please use the Contact Us form below to send us your feedback.